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Introducing Ploughman's Chutney

Located in the rolling Adelaide Hills in South Australia, Beerenberg Family Farm has always been 100% proudly Australian owned and operated by the Paech family… in fact we’ve lived on and farmed this land for over 200 years. So, it is with great delicious excitement that we launch our first ever Ploughman’s Chutney. We know this new product will resurrect the ‘retro classic’ Ploughman’s Lunch that is synonymous with hardworking farmers across Australia and the world.

A traditional Ploughman’s Lunch, so called for obvious reasons that it was the farm worker’s lunch of choice, is traditionally made up of a lump of cheddar cheese, a crusty hunk of bread, an apple and served with chutney or pickles.

However, over the years fancy additions such as gourmet cheeses (blue, goat, and creamy brie), cooked and lightly smoked meats and a variety of fruits including olives, grapes and pears.

The best Ploughman’s Lunch is about simplicity and quality. Choose the best bread, the best cheese, the crispest apples, pickles and add lashings of our new Beerenberg Ploughman’s Chutney, then let the flavours shine through.

Historically the Ploughman’s Lunch is based on a romantic notion that the ploughman’s wife sent her husband out to toil in the fields all day with his substantial lunch of home produce wrapped up in a spotted hanky.

Then in the 1950s and 60s thanks to a PR campaign by the British milk marketing board the Ploughman’s Lunch was rebranded and became something you ordered in the pub.

It is now a classic pub favourite that is easy to put together and in Australia it is a combination of a simple cheese plate or a modern charcuterie served with bread instead of crackers.

First, make sure you have the Beerenberg Ploughman’s Chutney on hand… then select good bread, cheese and some pickles for tang and crunch. Build your spread around these.
Bread – When we say bread, we do not mean sliced… It needs to be a substantial loaf, sourdough, or a freshly baked baguette. 

Cheese – Traditionally start with a good strong cheddar then add one or two other good quality and local cheeses.

Meat – Thick cut smoked ham, roast or corned beef, aged salami or for a local flavour add some Aussie mettwurst.

Pickles – Something to add some tang and crunch. Pickled onions are traditional, but we love cornichons and maybe some pickled peppers to add extra flavour and colour.

We also like to serve some good quality tomatoes, tender celery stems for crunch and some crispy apples or pears. 
The new Beerenberg Ploughman’s Chutney is available online now (>> insert link) and is not only perfect on a platter, but it adds so much flavour to a cheese sandwich or toastie.

Sweet and tangy with a savoury twist our Ploughman’s Chutney is also gluten free and vegan.