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Strawberries with Curd and Crumble

preparation time

5 mins

Cooking time

30 mins



Strawberries with Curd and Crumble


1 x jar Beerenberg Lemon and Lime Curd 

Thick Greek-style yogurt or whipped cream, to serve

1 x cup hazelnut crumble mixture (see recipe below)

1 punnet fresh strawberries

Hazelnut crumble mixture:

140g salted butter

1/2 cup brown sugar

3/4 cup plain flour

1 cup hazelnuts, roughly chopped


This ‘deconstructed crumble’ is one of the easiest desserts around and one of the tastiest too - the crumble mixture is brilliant sprinkled over everything from ice cream to roasted stone-fruit and in this case, fresh strawberries with a dollop of Lemon and Lime Curd. You could add a handful of oats to the mixture before baking and call it a rich granola!

Preheat oven to 180C. Combine all ingredients except for the hazelnuts in the bowl of a food processor and blitz until a coarse consistency, add the hazelnuts and blitz for another few seconds. Spread mixture over two lightly greased or lined baking trays and pop in the oven for 30 minutes or until golden and crunchy.  Make sure you stir the mixture around a bit during this time so it doesn’t burn in patches. Let cool then store in an airtight container for up to a week.