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Strawberry Sponge with Lemon & Lime Curd

preparation time

10 mins

Cooking time

30 - 40 mins


12 - 6

Strawberry Sponge with Lemon & Lime Curd


200g butter

200g caster sugar

200g SR flour

4 eggs

¼ tsp vanilla paste

To decorate:

Beerenberg Lemon & Lime Curd

whipped cream

fresh strawberry slices

edible flowers


Preheat your oven to 170˚C Line two 23cm spring base tins.

Cream butter and sugar together until fluffy and golden. Combine in eggs one at a time. Add in vanilla. Gently fold through the SR flour.

Pour batter between the two cake tins. Bake until golden brown and skewer passes through clean. Remove and cool on wire cake racks.

Gently slice tops off of sponges to create an even level. Spread a layer of cream and then Beerenberg Lemon & Lime Curd on first sponge. Top with slices of strawberries. Place next sponge on and repeat. Top with edible flowers. Refrigerate for 20minutes to set before serving.